Debian Patches

Status for googletest/1.16.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-inconsistency-with-GTEST_HAS_PTHREAD-in-library-inte.patch inconsistency with GTEST_HAS_PTHREAD in library interface leads to crashes on non-linux

Current libgtest-dev has two different means to determine if
GTEST_HAS_PTHREAD is defined: one in CMake rules and second one in
the header. When they don't match, the static library and the
client code might be compiled with different value of this define.
This, in turn, leads to the crashes because the definition of
ThreadLocal class are different depending on the value of

This patch adds CMake-determined defines as a public interface of
gtest target, so everything which links gtest will get those defines
as well.
Steven Robbins <> no 2018-04-08
0005-Add-GoogleTest-version-to-each-sub-project-to-allow-.patch Add GoogleTest version to each sub-project to allow builds from the sub-project. Work around for upstream
Steve Robbins <> no 2020-10-25
0006-Separate-GTest-and-GMock-targets.patch Separate GTest and GMock targets =?utf-8?q?Timo_R=C3=B6hling?= <> no 2021-09-17
0004-Fix-build-failure-with-clang-c-14-by-testing-the-C-l.patch Fix build failure with clang/c++14 by testing the C++ language version.

Otherwise, the C++17 feature [[maybe_unused]] is enabled and build fails.
Steve Robbins <> no 2024-08-11

All known versions for source package 'googletest'
