Debian Patches

Status for gpgme1.0/1.24.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Remove-upstream-git-fanciness.patch Remove upstream git fanciness
Debian needs to be able to build libgpg-error while using git for
tracking the debian packaging itself. Debian also wants to autoreconf
this stuff. However, Debian does *not* need to conform exactly to
upstream's git configurations.

This avoids mistakes like accidentally identifying running code as a

This is the same approach taken in debian's libgpg-error packaging
since 2017.
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> not-needed 2015-06-11
0002-drop-python2-support.patch drop python2 support Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> yes 2019-08-23
0003-Ship-python-examples-with-python3-in-shebang-line.patch Ship python examples with python3 in shebang line
See discussion at #982630 and :

> When packaging third party Python scripts, distributors are
> encouraged to change less specific shebangs to more specific
> ones. This ensures software is used with the latest version of
> Python available, and it can remove a dependency on Python
> 2. The details on what specifics to set are left to the
> distributors; though. Example specifics could include:
> - Changing python shebangs to python3 when Python 3.x is
> supported.
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> not-needed 2021-02-16
0004-Avoid-the-hardcoded-list-of-Python-versions.patch Avoid the hardcoded list of Python versions
Instead stick to Debian's list of supported Pythons.
Stefano Rivera <> not-needed debian 2021-11-23
0007-lang-python-tests-Fix-FTBFS-caused-by-missing-PYTHON.patch [PATCH] lang: python: tests: Fix FTBFS caused by missing PYTHON
Updated by Paul Gevers <>
Alexandre Ghiti <> no 2022-03-31
0020-python3-setuptools.diff Fix invocation.

Debian's python3-setuptools requires additional options (compared to
distutils which was shipped wwith python < 3.12).
Andreas Metzler <> not-needed debian vendor 2023-10-28

All known versions for source package 'gpgme1.0'
