Debian Patches

Status for gradle/4.4.1-22

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
gradle-debian-helper-hook.patch Adds a hook in MavenResolver to resolve the artifacts from the system repository Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
33_scala_zinc.diff _scala_zinc
No Zinc Compiler ( in Debian. Zinc depends
on SBT compiler and SBT is not yet in Debian See SBT ITP :
Debian Java Maintainers <> not-needed 2017-11-12
search_system_jar.diff search_system_jar
Gradle searches its own directory for Java libraries ignoring /usr/share/java/.
Somehow Gradle even fails to locate its home directory which is
/usr/share/gradle/. This patch fixes these issues, and the large amount of
symlinks in the binary packages may be possible to remove. Maintaining so many
symlinks is too error prone.
Debian Java Maintainers <> no 2017-11-12
relax_warnings.diff relax_warnings
resource-http produces lots of warnings and "-Werror" makes them errors.
Debian Java Maintainers <> no 2017-11-12
generate-pom.patch generate_pom
By default Gradle won't generate POMs for itself. generate_pom.gradle makes
Gradle auto generate POMs for all of the JARs so that we can install the POMs
to /usr/share/maven-repo
Debian Java Maintainers <> not-needed 2017-11-12
ivy-2.4.0.patch ivy 2.4.0
Markus Koschany <> no 2015-11-11
34-disable-code-quality.patch 34 disable code quality
Disable checkstyle and codenarc tasks during build Gradle failed to build on
amd64 due to an apparent upstream bug. As extra comment, the issue is not
present when gradle is built with Oracle JDK.
Markus Koschany <> not-needed debian 2017-11-12
disable-Kotlin.patch Disable Kotlin support. Kotlin is not in Debian yet. Debian Java Maintainers <> no 2017-11-29
disable-aws.patch disable aws
AWS SDK for Java is not in Debian yet.
Debian Java Maintainers <> no 2017-11-29
disable_buildSrc_tests.patch disable_buildSrc_tests Markus Koschany <> no 2017-11-12
docs.patch Builds Javadoc only Use a simplified `docs.gradle` which builds only the Javadoc. Kai-Chung Yan not-needed
drop-http-builder.patch drop http builder
http-builder is not in Debian yet
Markus Koschany <> no 2017-11-18
drop-jmh-gradle-plugin.patch drop jmh gradle plugin
jmh-gradle-plugin is not in Debian yet
Markus Koschany <> no 2017-11-18
eclipse-aether.patch eclipse aether
Maven module originally uses aether which is deprecated. This patch changes it
to use eclipse-aether/maven-resolver.
Debian Java Maintainers <> no 2017-11-29
normalize-classpath.patch Normalize the generated classpath in every JAR Gradle uses its own class loading mechanism which uses a dedicated classpath file stored in
every JAR. The JAR names are really names, not paths,
so they need to be normalized so that Gradle can search `/usr/share/java`
for them. . This patch also sorts the generated classpath to improve
reproducibility. . One bug of this patch is that the Groovy version is
but it seems not to affect the actual result of running `gradle --version`.
Debian Java Maintainers <> no 2022-09-29
jcommander.patch jcommander
Various modules use jcommander but do not declare.
Markus Koschany <> not-needed 2017-11-18
maven-3.3-compatibility.patch maven 3.3 compatibility
Fix the compatibility with Maven 3.3
Emmanuel Bourg <> no 2017-11-18
remove-timestamps.patch remove timestamps
This patch manually sets the timestamps and other dynamic strings that break
the reproducibility.
Markus Koschany <> no 2017-11-18
use-local-artifacts.patch use local artifacts Use local jar files to build Gradle. The core point is using a local Maven
repository pointing to `/usr/share/maven-repo`. Due to some invisible bug,
`resolutionStrategy` is able to override artifact versions only, so we have
to patch some artifact names here.
Markus Koschany <> not-needed 2017-11-18
cast-estimated-runtime-to-long.patch gradle 3.4.1 FTBFS with a missing cast to long estimatedRuntime must be cast to long otherwise gradle 3.4.1 FTBFS with
134: [Static type checking] - Cannot assign value of type java.math.BigDecimal
to variable of type long.
Tiago Stürmer Daitx <> no debian 2018-03-19
java8-compatibility.patch Makes Gradle usable with Java 8 even if compiled with Java 9 Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
disable-binary-compatibility.patch Disable binary-compatibility plugin The plugin requires `javaparser` and `japicmp` which are not in Debian yet Kai-Chung Yan not-needed
gradle-4-compatibility.patch Gradle 4 compatibility Some APIs buildSrc uses are from Gradle 4 and but we have Gradle 3.4.1 only. Kai-Chung Yan not-needed
disable-google-apis.patch Disable Google APIs Google Apis are not in Debian yet. Kai-Chung Yan not-needed
disable-internal-android-performance-testing.patch Disable internalAndroidPerformanceTesting No idea why this project keeps being run while being excluded, have to
disable it by force.
Kai-Chung Yan not-needed
java11-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with Java 11. The patch can be removed after upgrading to the version 4.8
no backport,
asm7.patch no
ivy-artifact-backport.patch Backports the refactored IvyArtifact classes from Gradle 4.8 to help building Kotlin no backport,
fix-CVE-2019-11065.patch not-needed backport,
guava-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with the recent versions of Guava. Source level must be 1.8 or higher to use the updated predicates in Guava. Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
backport-ComponentWithCoordinates.patch Backporting ComponentWithCoordinates (needed to package kotlin) Samyak Jain <> no
backport-DependencyConstraint.patch Backport DependencyConstraint (needed for kotlin) Samyak Jain <> no
backport-CommandLineArgumentProvider.patch Backport CommandLineArgumentProvider (Needed to package kotlin) Samyak Jain <> no
backport-FeaturePreviews.patch Backport FeaturePreviews (Needed to package kotlin) Samyak Jain <> no
backport-TaskProvider.patch Backport TaskProvider (Needed to package kotlin) Samyak Jain <> no
backport-NamedDomainObjectProvider.patch Backport NamedDomainObjectProvider (Needed to package kotlin) Samyak Jain <> no
backport-capabilities.patch Backport capabilities (Needed to package kotlin) Samyak Jain <> no
source-level.patch Set the language level to 1.8 to fix the build failure with Ant 1.10 and OpenJDK 17 Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
permit-illegal-access.patch Adds the --add-opens option to run Gradle on Java 17 Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
java17-compatibility.patch Fix SourcepathIgnoringInvocationHandler on Java 9 Use the method provided by the proxy API instead of
trying to look up the same method on the delegate's
class. It is unclear why this was done in the first place.
Trying to access the method from the delegate lead to
illegal access exceptions on certain JDKs.
This patch can be removed after upgrading to Gradle 4.8
Stefan Oehme <> no upstream,
auto-adjust-language-level.patch Adjust the source/target level automatically for building with recent JDKs Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
CVE-2019-16370.patch [PATCH] signing plugin: use SHA512 instead of SHA1 when signing artifacts

PGP signs a digest, so MITM is still possible provided an attacker can update
the artifact in such a way that its SHA1 is intact.

Relevant article is
Vladimir Sitnikov <> no 2019-09-10
type-inference-fix.patch Fixes the type inference errors when building with the source/target level set to Java 8 Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'gradle'
