Debian Patches

Status for grass/8.4.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
pager Prefer pager over more. GRASS 6 used a shell script to set the GRASS_PAGER environment variable.
GRASS 7 reimplemented the shell script in Python.
The original version of this patch was made by Francesco Paolo Lovergine, and
ported to Python by Bas Couwenberg.
Bas Couwenberg <> not-needed
instdir Don't include GRASS_VERSION_RELEASE in path. Francesco Paolo Lovergine <> not-needed
no-fail-html.patch Don't fail the build if HTML generation fails. Generating the HTML description for r.viewshed failed on GNU/Hurd reporting:
ERROR: Field <projection> missing
This single documentation error fails the entire build, to prevent this HTML
description errors are ignored.
Bas Couwenberg <> not-needed
jquery.patch Use packaged jQuery. Bas Couwenberg <> not-needed
spelling-errors.patch Fix spelling errors. * allows to <verb> -> allow <verb>ing
* colum -> column
* overlaping -> overlapping
* refernce -> reference
Bas Couwenberg <> yes

All known versions for source package 'grass'
