Debian Patches

Status for h2o/2.2.5+dfsg2-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
link-against-wslay.patch This is the temporarily solution to link against wslay Anton Gladky <> no 2017-06-21
link-against-system-libyaml.patch Use the system LibYAML instance Do not statically link against LibYAML, use dynamic linking against the system
instance instead.
Apollon Oikonomopoulos <> no 2017-08-29
use-etc-ssl-certs.patch On Debian systems, use /etc/ssl/certs for TLS verification Instead of shipping a dedicated CA bundle, use /etc/ssl/certs for
verification by default.
Apollon Oikonomopoulos <> invalid 2017-09-04
tests-force-TLSv1.2-on-s_client-invocations.patch [PATCH] Tests: force TLSv1.2 on s_client invocations
The tests are not ready (yet) to handle TLSv1.3 support in OpenSSL, so
make s_client use TLSv1.2 explicitly.

Note that we could pass -no_tls1_3 instead, but this would break with
older (pre-1.1.1) OpenSSL versions.
Apollon Oikonomopoulos <> no 2018-09-14
link-libh2o-with-wslay.patch Link libh2o and libh2o-evloop against wslay Apollon Oikonomopoulos <> no debian 2018-09-22
fix_CVE-2019_1.patch [PATCH] Stop the read side when amount of unsent, non-flow-controlleddata goes above 512KB.

From 743d6b6118c29b75d0b84ef7950a2721c32dfe3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Kazuho Oku <> no 2019-08-12

All known versions for source package 'h2o'
