Debian Patches

Status for halide/19.0.0-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Remove-unrelevant-prebuild-binaries-to-pacify-lintia.patch Remove unrelevant prebuild binaries to pacify lintian Roman Lebedev <> not-needed 2021-10-08
0002-Fixup-libhalide-version-soversion-for-debian-package.patch Fixup libhalide version/soversion for debian package Roman Lebedev <> not-needed 2022-01-06
0003-Fixup-libHalidePyStubs-version-soversion-for-debian-.patch Fixup libHalidePyStubs version/soversion for debian package Roman Lebedev <> not-needed 2023-07-07
0004-Disable-LTO-for-python-stub.patch Disable LTO for python stub
`Halide_PyStubs` static library is installed,
but if we build Halide with LTO, it, obviously,
contains Clang/LLVM IR representation,
not assembly code, so things go awry.
Roman Lebedev <> not-needed 2024-07-27
0005-Disable-LTO-for-Halide-GenGen.patch Disable LTO for Halide GenGen
`Halide_GenGen` static library is installed,
but if we build Halide with LTO, it, obviously,
contains Clang/LLVM IR representation,
not assembly code, so things go awry.
Roman Lebedev <> not-needed 2024-12-18
0006-XFAIL-some-integration-tests-expecting-static-halide.patch XFAIL some integration tests expecting static halide / cross-compilation

We only build/provide `SHARED` `libHalide`,
so the integration tests that expect to find a `STATIC` one, fail.

Also stub out the cross-compilation integration test, at least for now.
Roman Lebedev <> not-needed 2024-07-27
0007-mullapudi2016_reorder-make-Autoscheduler-time-1-even.patch mullapudi2016_reorder: make `Autoscheduler time (1)` even more pessimistic

Roman Lebedev <> not-needed 2024-08-03
0008-JITModule-rework-fix-__udivdi3-handling.patch JITModule: rework/fix `__udivdi3` handling
The original workaround is very partial,
and was not really working in my experience,
even after making it non-GCC specific.

1. Ensure that the library that actually provides that symbol
(as per the compiler used!) is actually linked into.
This was not enough still.
2. Replace `HalideJITMemoryManager` hack with a more direct approach
of actually telling the JIT the address of the symbol.
3. While there, move the symbol's forward definition to outside
of namespaces. It's a global symbol, it makes sense to place it there.

This makes python binding tests pass on i386,
and i'm really happy about that.

Inspired by
Roman Lebedev <> yes 2024-08-11
0009-Handle-DESTDIR-in-HalidePackageConfigHelpers.cmake.patch Handle DESTDIR in HalidePackageConfigHelpers.cmake
Fixes #8521

(cherry picked from commit da26a46bc9aca2fe41334599d4e30c1b1aacaf4b)
Alex Reinking <> yes 2024-12-17
0010-CMake-Fix-Halide_TARGET-handling-for-cross-compilati.patch [CMake] Fix `Halide_TARGET` handling for "cross-compilation"
This is a stop-gap patch, upstream may end up fixing more properly.
Roman Lebedev <> yes 2024-12-20
0011-correctness_saturating_casts-skip-on-SSE-less-i386.patch correctness_saturating_casts: skip on SSE-less i386 Roman Lebedev <> yes 2024-12-23
0012-Fix-GCC5-FTBFS-in-src-Elf.h.patch Fix GCC5 FTBFS in `src/Elf.h` Martijn Courteaux <> yes 2025-02-18

All known versions for source package 'halide'
