Debian Patches

Status for hipsolver/5.5.1-8

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-use-generic-lapack.patch use generic lapack
There is no actual use of cblas in the hipsolver clients.
Cordell Bloor <> no 2023-10-12
0002-use-local-mathjax.patch use local mathjax
The sphinx.ext.mathjax extension defaults to loading mathjax from a
CDN, which results in the lintian warning 'privacy-breach-generic'.
Use a local copy of mathjax to prevent that problem.
Cordell Bloor <> not-needed 2023-10-12
0003-remove-m2r2-from-build-depends.patch remove m2r2 from build depends
This dependency does not seem to be used. It may have just been copied
from rocSOLVER, where it was used to include the license file in the
Cordell Bloor <> no 2023-10-13
0004-spellcheck.patch spellcheck Cordell Bloor <> yes 2023-10-13
0005-fix-unitary-generator-info-tests.patch [PATCH] Fix info tests for unitary generators (#184)
The operator++ has greater precedence than operator*, so the original
form of this check merely incremented the pointer and then dereferenced
Cory Bloor <> no 2023-08-18
0006-public-link-hip.patch public link hip
The hipsolver library includes HIP headers in its public API, so it
needs to link hip::host publicly.
Cordell Bloor <> yes 2024-03-21
0007-drop-f16c-instructions.patch drop f16c instructions
Half floats are not used in hipSOLVER anyway.
Cordell Bloor <> yes 2024-03-21
0008-remove-immintrin-header.patch remove immintrin header
This header is unused, but it breaks the build on arm64 and ppc64el
because it is not available on those platforms.
Cordell Bloor <> yes 2024-03-21
0009-hipsolver-use-hipblas-enums.patch hipsolver use hipblas enums
The hipSOLVER API was changed to use hipBLAS enums in ROCm 6.0.0. This
patch enables opt-in forward-compatibility for user programs that define
Cordell Bloor <> not-needed 2024-03-23

All known versions for source package 'hipsolver'
