Debian Patches

Status for i3blocks/1.4-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
makefile_reproducible.patch make the build reproducible this is done by sorting the list of sources, which will later turned into list
of objects (thus sent to the linker).
$(wildcard ) in a makefile is not stable, it's output depend from readdir().
This is easily fixed by wrapping it in $(sort )
Mattia Rizzolo <> no 2016-07-22
manpage_use_pandoc.patch [PATCH] manpage: use pandoc instead of ruby-ronn
from debian and ubuntu [1]

Jason Pleau <> no 2016-07-02
cpu_usage.patch [cpu_usage] Handle mpstat output change Alok Singh <> no

All known versions for source package 'i3blocks'
