Debian Patches

Status for invesalius/3.1.99998-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
11_add_auibar.patch Add missing widget Thiago Franco de Moraes <> no 2022-07-26
11_wxpython_int_fix.patch Force integer positions Thiago Franco de Moraes <> no 2022-07-22
11_python311.patch Python-3.11 gettext.translation doesn't have the 'codeset' parameter anymore Thiago Franco de Moraes <> no 2023-02-08
11_rm_gdcm_trace.patch Trace_DebugOff and Trace_WarningOff was removed from gdcm. Thiago Franco de Moraes <> no 2023-02-08
0005-Distutils-is-being-deprecated-using-setuptools.patch Distutils is being deprecated using setuptools Thiago Franco de Moraes <> no 2022-05-11
0006-mark-a-string-as-raw-to-deal-with-a-Windows-slash.patch mark a string as raw to deal with a Windows slash "Michael R. Crusoe" <> yes 2024-09-10
python3.13 Replaced deprecated/removed imghdr with puremagic package
It was deprecated in Python 3.11 and removed in Python 3.13
Michael R. Crusoe <> no
fix-my-types.patch workaround IF deprecation in cython. This patch fixes the following error when building the package:
warning: ./invesalius_cy/cy_my_types.pxd:18:0: The 'IF' statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future Cython version. Consider using runtime conditions or C macros instead. See
Error compiling Cython file:
# To compile in windows 64
ctypedef np.int64_t vertex_id_t
ctypedef np.int_t vertex_id_t
./invesalius_cy/cy_my_types.pxd:21:13: 'int_t' is not a type identifier
Étienne Mollier <> no 2025-02-16
workaround-dropped-inner1d.patch workaround dropped umath_test module in numpy 2.x. This patch works around uses of inner1d using workaround suggested
Étienne Mollier <> no 2025-02-16

All known versions for source package 'invesalius'
