Debian Patches

Status for jaxb/

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-reactor-dependencies.patch Work around a maven-debian-helper bug where reactor dependencies aren't properly recognized and switched to the 'debian' version, thus causing
a build failure.
Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
02-args4j-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with the version of args4j in Debian Emmanuel Bourg <> no
03-dependencies-versions.patch Adds the missing dependency versions no longer inherited from the parent pom since the --no-parent flag was used to avoid a dependency
between librngom-java/libtxw2-java/libcodemodel-java and libjaxb-java
Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
04-xml-resolver-compatibility.patch Build with xml-resolver instead of Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
06-ignore-osgi-test-modules.patch Ignore the osgi-test modules (maven-debian-helper has some troubles ignoring nested modules) Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
07-fix-xjc-task.patch Fix XJC ant task to work without forkOrigin, backport, yes debian upstream
08-java10-compatibility.patch Enables the Java 9 profile with later releases of the JDK Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
09-remove-reflective-access-warning.patch Open the modules to remove the reflective access warnings on the command line Emmanuel Bourg <> no
10-reproducible-prolog-comment.patch Makes the header of the files generated by XJC reproducible Emmanuel Bourg <> no
11-remove-optimization-code.patch Removes the optimization code that breaks with recent JDKs HOHOWU <> no backport,

All known versions for source package 'jaxb'
