Debian Patches

Status for josm/0.0.svn19342+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
00-build.patch Adjustments to the ant build.xml file. Mainly to use system-provided JARs and not depend on Internet connection.
Also adds support to build the translations in the i18n directory.
The Debian package build is identified using the Build-Name in the REVISION
file and is not considered local build.
Bas Couwenberg <> not-needed
01-bts.patch Include Debian version number and BTS link. Bugs for the JOSM version present in Debian have to be filed in Debian's
BTS and not upstream. Also include the Debian version number for better
bug triaging.
Andreas Putzo <> not-needed
05-fix_version.patch Fix version numbers to reflect upstream changes. Appending SVN to version is not required for the Debian package build.
The Debian package build is identified using the Build-Name property in the
REVISION file (see 00-build.patch).
Mario Izquierdo <> not-needed debian
06-move_data_out_of_jar.patch Move sharable data out of josm.jar. Paul Hartmann <> not-needed debian
07-use_system_fonts.patch Use system Noto fonts, instead of the embedded Droid fonts. Bas Couwenberg <> not-needed
08-use_noto_font.patch Use Noto font instead of Droid. Bas Couwenberg <> yes debian

All known versions for source package 'josm'
