Debian Patches

Status for jruby/

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-patch-ruby-poms.patch Patch Ruby POMs for Debian
This patches the project's pom.rb files to use debian version numbers where
needed, and removes some dependencies that we don't want or need for our build.
=?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2023-10-24
0002-disable-buildnumber-maven-plugin.patch Disable buildnumber-maven-plugin =?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2023-10-24
0003-disable-checksum-maven-plugin.patch Disable checksum-maven-plugin =?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2023-10-24
0004-disable-truezip-plugin.patch Disable truezip-maven-plugin =?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2023-10-24
0005-disable-jnr-ffi-native-usage.patch Disable jnr-ffi native extensions
This is needed to prevent maven copying the bundled jnr-ffi native extensions
into JRuby. On Debian we replace them with symlinks to the libraries shipped in
=?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2023-10-24
0007-omit-bundled-gems.patch Omit bundled gems from build
Those gems are only useful for parts of the test suite which we don't run as
part pf the build process.
=?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2023-10-24
0009-Disable-test-requiring-Awaitility.patch Disable test requiring Awaitility
Not packaged in Debian.
=?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2022-11-07
0011-Fix-testRevision-testcase.patch Fix testRevision testcase
Upstream expects revision numbers to consist of a partial git commit id,
however we define it as the Debian package version, so it length may
=?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2022-11-16
0012-Fix-test-failures-related-to-Module-PTY.patch Fix test failures related to Module:PTY
Removing this snippet of code fixes some a handful of mri:stdlib testsuite
failures, however I'm not entirely sure what exactly is going on here.
=?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2022-11-16
0013-Work-around-JarResourceTest-failure.patch Work around JarResourceTest failure
When generating a resource path containing a space, this character becomes
URL-encoded. In this case, if the project path contains a plus-sign ("+"), then
JarResource.create will return a null pointer. With sbuild, the build path
contains always contains the project name and version string. Since it would be
impractical to change how the build path is generated, and that the bug is
probably deep in Java internals, just work around it by replacing the
problematic character with its URL-encoded counterpart.
=?utf-8?b?SsOpcsO0bWUgQ2hhcmFvdWk=?= <> not-needed 2022-11-28

All known versions for source package 'jruby'
