Debian Patches

Status for jupyter-notebook/6.4.12-2.2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0011-use-system-po2json.patch use po2json from package for translations Gordon Ball <> no 2019-09-24
0002-Use-local-MathJax-in-documentation.patch Use local MathJax in documentation Gordon Ball <> no 2016-10-27
0003-jquery-ui-1.12-compatibility-changes.patch jquery-ui 1.12 compatibility changes Gordon Ball <> no 2016-11-07
0004-Call-lessc-with-source-map-basepath-option-for-repro.patch Call lessc with --source-map-basepath option for reproducibility Ximin Luo <> no 2016-12-07 Work around Ximin Luo <> no 2016-12-07
0006-Debian-specific-hack-to-fix-upstream-s-non-increment.patch Debian-specific hack to fix upstream's (non-)incremental build Ximin Luo <> no 2016-12-07
0007-Ignore-errors-in-documentation-notebooks-during-buil.patch Ignore errors in documentation notebooks during build Gordon Ball <> no 2017-06-25
0009-Don-t-try-and-patch-bootstrap-less.patch Don't try and patch bootstrap less tries to patch out one line from bootstrap's less, to
improve printing. In this case we're not using a private copy of this
file, so we can't modify the system copy.
Gordon Ball <> no 2018-02-06
0013-documentation-fixes.patch Elide sphinxcontrib_github_alt from documentation config Gordon Ball <> no 2019-09-24
0013-Avoid-manipulating-PYTHONPATH-in-tests.patch Avoid manipulating PYTHONPATH in tests
Tests are now generating errors suggesting shadowing of the stdlib, and
it feels like this combined with relative environment set by pybuild
might be an explanation.

Also avoid setting JUPYTER_NO_CONFIG, which currently _appears_ to
conflict with the path logic being tested in eg, test_serverextension
Gordon Ball <> no 2020-01-30
0011-Requirejs-shim-config-for-xterm-xterm-addon-fit.patch Requirejs shim config for xterm, xterm-addon-fit
Due to lack of browserify, this module is concatenated (as of 3.8.1)
using browserify-lite. This produces modules with a global export
instead of a full UMD wrapper, so add a requirejs configuration for
Gordon Ball <> no 2020-02-04
0012-Skip-all-send2trash-tests.patch Skip all send2trash tests
send2trash fails in various unpredictable ways in container
environments, overlays and bind mounts. This leads to lots of issues
with different build and CI environments.
Gordon Ball <> no 2021-01-14
0013-Drop-deprecated-babel-polyfill.patch Drop deprecated babel-polyfill Gordon Ball <> no 2021-09-15
0014-Fix-test_serverextensions-for-jupyter-core-4.9.patch Fix test_serverextensions for jupyter-core 4.9
The set-up for these tests make assertions about jupyter path, the logic
for which changed in jupyter-core 4.9, breaking the assertions (in a way
which probably doesn't actually break the subsequent tests).
Gordon Ball <> no 2021-11-06
0015-Update-invocations-of-marked-for-markedjs-4.patch Update invocations of marked for markedjs 4 Gordon Ball <> no 2022-01-13
0016-pager-drop-resizable.patch pager: drop resizable
Until jquery-ui can be fixed, this provides a quick-and-dirty solution
for stopping the page load failing at this point, at the cost of the
element not being resizable by mouse.
Gordon Ball <> no 2022-01-17
drop_caja_dep.patch drop the dependency on google's caja Julien Puydt no

All known versions for source package 'jupyter-notebook'
