Debian Patches

Status for kf6-kconfig/6.11.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
tests-skip-flaky-KConfigTest-testKdeglobalsVsDefault.diff Skip KConfigTest::testKdeglobalsVsDefault() This test generally passes, however not every time. It appears that it is
somehow flaky, and I cannot determine the reason for that.
Since the test of the test suite passes in all the cases without issues,
skip this test only for now.
Pino Toscano <> not-needed 2022-05-27
Allow-packagers-set-kconfig_compiler-install-dir.patch Allow packagers set kconfig_compiler install dir Maximiliano Curia <> no debian Debian 2018-01-25
tests-skip-flaky-KConfigTest-testLocalDeletion.diff Skip KConfigTest::testLocalDeletion() This test generally passes, however not every time. It appears that it is
somehow flaky, and I cannot determine the reason for that.
Since the test of the test suite passes in all the cases without issues,
skip this test only for now.
Pino Toscano <> not-needed 2022-05-15

All known versions for source package 'kf6-kconfig'
