Debian Patches

Status for khronos-opencl-man/1.0~svn33624-5.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
addingmanpages.patch Proposed improvements to the Khronos OpenCL man pages package Ref:

Giuseppe Bilotta <> no 2013-05-30
privacy_remove_favicon.patch Remove favicon
The favicon in index.html is fetched from upstream every time the
document is opened, which is now discouraged in Debian for privacy
reasons (

The 'o' from KhronosLogo.jpg could be used to replace it,
but I can't be bothered right now.

Rebecca Palmer not-needed debian
set_encoding.patch Explicitly set text encoding
(In Ruby 1.9+ without this, you get the message
./pageNumberLookup.rb:229:in `match': invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError)
and a "successfully" built but nearly empty package)
Rebecca Palmer no debian

All known versions for source package 'khronos-opencl-man'
