Debian Patches

Status for kineticstools/0.6.1+git20220223.1326a4d+dfsg-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
man-pages.patch Format RST documentation into input for rst2man=================================================================== Afif Elghraoui <> not-needed 2015-12-09
tests-import.patch Fix import statement for tests=================================================================== Afif Elghraoui <> yes 2015-10-29
verbose-testing.patch Make test execution verbose=================================================================== Afif Elghraoui <> not-needed 2020-04-21
deactivate-tests-requiring-unavailable-data.patch Don't execute tests that require unavailable data files Afif Elghraoui <> not-needed 2017-01-15
spelling.patch minor spelling issues=================================================================== Étienne Mollier <> yes upstream 2020-04-20
tests2to3.patch Use Python3 in test Steffen Moeller yes upstream 2020-03-26
man-align-cols.patch Align columns of the first tabular There are three tabulars in doc/manual.rst, but only two are rendered in various contexts:
- sphinx-build -b man,
- rst2man,
- the Github renderer.
This slight modification should bring it back to rendered documentations.
Étienne Mollier <> yes upstream 2020-04-20

All known versions for source package 'kineticstools'
