Debian Patches

Status for kleborate/2.4.1-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
python3.patch When using Python3 the executable is named python3 Andreas Tille <> no 2019-09-24
use_debian_installed_kaptive.patch Make sure Debian packaged kaptive will be found Andreas Tille <> not-needed 2019-09-24
bigendian.patch fall back to generating blast db v4 on big endian systems Kleborate is not capable of decoding blast db v5 on all architectures, because
the underlying format of the storage is processor architecture dependent, for
the sake of performance, at the cost of interoperability. The v4 format, in
contrast, is plaintext, so remains suitable in such context. Many Thanks to
Aaron M. Ucko for the details!
Étienne Mollier <> no debian 2021-09-21
python3.12.patch Remove distutils to work with Python3.12 Andreas Tille <> no debian 2024-02-02

All known versions for source package 'kleborate'
