Debian Patches

Status for kmscon/9.0.0-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Change-kmsconvt-.service-to-match-getty-.service.patch Change kmsconvt@.service to match getty@.service Victor Westerhuis <> no 2021-02-04
0002-Do-not-use-git-describe-to-generate-version.patch Do not use git describe to generate version
Use the version specified by upstream in instead.
Victor Westerhuis <> not-needed 2021-02-04
0003-Use-system-version-of-unifont.hex.patch Use system version of unifont.hex
The bundled version is very old, according to the comment.
Victor Westerhuis <> not-needed 2022-06-19
0004-Use-correct-systemd-system-unit-directory.patch Use correct systemd system unit directory
Keep the default the same, so there is no change in behavior.
Victor Westerhuis <> yes 2022-06-19
0005-Run-agetty-instead-of-login.patch Run agetty instead of login
This makes backspace work on the login prompt.
It also prints /etc/issue at the prompt.

kmscon does not come close to fully supporting everything xterm does, but
setting TERM to xterm-256color only perpetuates the lie that kmscon already told
its children before.
In time either kmscon needs to support (more of) xterm's behavior or it needs
to use another TERM value.
Victor Westerhuis <> no 2022-07-05

All known versions for source package 'kmscon'
