Debian Patches

Status for libapache-mod-log-sql/1.100-16.3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
001-mod_log_sql.c.patch Add a scoreboard feature to mod_log_sql You can keep tracks of number of hits and bytes for each of the
hosted websites.
Thomas Goirand <> no
002-mod_log_sql.h.patch Add a scoreboard feature to mod_log_sql You can keep tracks of number of hits and bytes for each of the
hosted websites.
Thomas Goirand <> no
003-mod_log_sql_dbi.c.patch Add a scoreboard feature to mod_log_sql You can keep tracks of number of hits and bytes for each of the
hosted websites.
Thomas Goirand <> no
004-mod_log_sql_mysql.c.patch Add a scoreboard feature to mod_log_sql You can keep tracks of number of hits and bytes for each of the
hosted websites.
Thomas Goirand <> no
005-mod_log_sql_pgsql.c.patch Add a scoreboard feature to mod_log_sql You can keep tracks of number of hits and bytes for each of the
hosted websites.
Thomas Goirand <> no Make it compile for debian Thomas Goirand <> no
008-create_tables.sql_adds-doc.patch Documents the score_board table format Thomas Goirand <> no
compatibility-with-apache2.4.patch Fixes compatibility with Apache 2.4 API Thomas Goirand <> yes debian 2013-07-10
010-search-libdbi-with-multiarch-support.patch Search for libdbi shared libs in multiarch env The libdbi were searched only in /usr/lib, the configure script must
also search in ${dbi_path}/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}.
Thomas Goirand <> no debian 2014-05-06

All known versions for source package 'libapache-mod-log-sql'
