Patch | Description | Author | Forwarded | Bugs | Origin | Last update |
0001-Avoid-Copy-On-Write-problems-with-Perl-5.20.patch | [PATCH] Avoid Copy-On-Write problems with Perl 5.20 Quoting Dave Mitchell in After FC's commit, $buf gets marked as COW, since its a copy of a COWable constant (the constant string "") and mmap() never unsets this flag before stealing its buffer. So later on when it applies substr() to $buf, the var is assumed to be COW and bad things happen to it. The correct usage is still up for debate (see Leon's use case in tickets #116407 and #116925), but calling SvPV_force() first would be a good first step (although that will cause the previous contents of PVX() to leak). It might be better for to call mmap() with an undef value rather than assigning "" to it first. |
Niko Tyni <> | yes | debian upstream | 2014-07-28 |