Debian Patches

Status for libclamunrar/1.0.3-1~deb12u1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Add-an-option-to-avoid-setting-RPATH-on-unix-systems.patch Add an option to avoid setting RPATH on unix systems.
RPATH overrides the normal library search path, possibly interfering
with local policy and causing problems for multilib, among other issues.

Add an option to avoid setting it with letting it enabled by default.
Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <> no 2023-01-06
Use-either-system-s-tomfastmath-library-or-the-built.patch Use either system's tomfastmath library or the built-in one. Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <> no 2022-12-30
Add-a-version-script-for-libclamunrar-and-.patch Add a version script for libclamunrar and libclamunrar_iface.
Without a version script all symbols will be exported which are public
within the libclamunrar* libraries. This is true for the officially exported
symbols as well as all the public symbols which are used within
libraries and are not inteded for export.

There is already a .map preset to limit the exported symbols of
libclamunrar and libclamunrar_iface. Use it.
Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <> no 2023-09-06
cargo-Remove-windows-referenfes.patch cargo: Remove windows referenfes.
The winapi code among other windows related rust code has been removed
from the tar archive while repacking the tar ball. The build system
still references it it needs to be removed because otherwise cargo will
complain about it.
Scott Kitterman <> no 2022-12-31

All known versions for source package 'libclamunrar'
