Debian Patches

Status for libflickr-api-perl/1.28-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix_pod.patch Fix several issues reported by 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson <> Alex Muntada <> no debian
remove-dot-pl-from-scripts-pod.patch adapt POD to the fact that we install the scripts without file extension not-needed
fix_script_path_autopkgtest.patch skip tests in installed version Skip some tests the need relative path when them are executed with installed
version, like autopkgtest.
Lucas Kanashiro <> not-needed 2015-10-18
pod-spelling.patch POD/comments spelling (successful → successfull) A tiny typo fixed Damyan Ivanov <> yes upstream

All known versions for source package 'libflickr-api-perl'
