Debian Patches

Status for libhtml-gumbo-perl/0.18-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
no-alien-libgumbo.patch remove usage of Alien::LibGumbo; use ExtUtils::PkgConfig in Build.PL gregor herrmann <> not-needed vendor 2018-07-20
tree_to_callback-don-t-check-document-nodes-for-void.patch [PATCH] tree_to_callback: don't check document nodes for void elements

walk_tree() will call this with PHG_ELEMENT_END for both document
and element nodes, but only the latter ones have tag types defined.

This fixes test failures seen on 32-bit big endian systems
such as mips and powerpc, when a document node happened
to have a valid (void) tag code at the same offset, triggering
an early return.
Niko Tyni <> no debian 2018-07-30

All known versions for source package 'libhtml-gumbo-perl'
