Debian Patches

Status for libisnativec-java/5.3.20100629+fix-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-java9-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility issues with Java 9 Emmanuel Bourg <> no
fix_ftbfs.patch Use getString() and setWideString() The api public String getString(long offset, boolean wide) and
public void setString(long offset, String value, boolean wide) was
removed in the latest version of libjna-java. The call with 'false'
should now use getString(), and the ones with 'true' should use
getWideString(). Similary, for setString() it should be setString()
or setWideString().
Sudip Mukherjee <> no debian

All known versions for source package 'libisnativec-java'
