Debian Patches

Status for libmail-gnupg-perl/0.23-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-use-fake-pinentry-Closes-835075.patch use fake pinentry (Closes: #835075)
This allows us to run the tests against all versions of GnuPG.
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> no 2016-09-02
0002-Replace-expired-OpenPGP-certificates-with-fake-OpenP.patch Replace expired OpenPGP certificates with fake OpenPGP certificates
Generate two fake OpenPGP certificates (for "Test User" and "Test2
User2") to replace the certificates for David Bremner and Maricio
Campaglia in the test suite, replacing the signatures associated with
them as well.

The signing subkey on David Bremner's OpenPGP certificate that was
used for this message had expired long ago.

The primary key on Mauricio Campaglia's OpenPGP certificate was itself
expired long ago as well.

Some versions of GnuPG don't handle expired signing keys well (see ). By making the test use simpler signing
certificates, we end up with a test that is more robust against
different versions of GnuPG.
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> yes debian upstream 2025-02-27

All known versions for source package 'libmail-gnupg-perl'
