Debian Patches

Status for libminidns-java/1.0.0-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-edit-gradle-buildsystem.patch Alter gradle build system to suite Debian
The following parts of the build system were disabled as they are not relevant
in Debian and disabling them makes packaging easier.

Eclipse plugin generates a project file that can be opened in Eclipse IDE.

Coveralls and Jacoco analyze and report the test coverage so that upstream can
work on improving automated tests.

Error Prone and Checksytle indicate potential coding errors.

Animal Sniffer helps with ensuring that project runs on multiple versions of

Android component appears to need Android SDK.

REPL component allows developers to play with the library and is not necessary
for reverse depending packages.

Running tests is disabled until all dependencies are avialable and they can be
run reliably. Enable tests if future.
Sunil Mohan Adapa <> not-needed 2021-05-01
02-make-builds-reproducible.patch Make builds reproducible by dropping date stamp Sunil Mohan Adapa <> yes upstream 2021-05-01
03-java21-this-escape.patch workaround 'this-escape' warnings Java 21 generates 'this-escape' warning if an overridable method is called from
the constructor.'EdnsOption' calls an abstract method from the constructor,
producing a genuine warning. Changing this requires redesign, so the warning
is only suppressed. 'DnssecClient' calls a public method that can be made
Vladimir Petko <> yes debian upstream 2024-01-31
04-java21-explicit-cast.patch add explicit cast to byte A [lossy-conversion] warning causes the build failure. Add explicit cast to
byte to avoid the warning.
Vladimir Petko <> yes debian upstream 2024-01-31

All known versions for source package 'libminidns-java'
