Debian Patches

Status for libmodule-compile-perl/0.38-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-replace-digest-sha1-with-digest-sha.patch Replace usage of Digest::SHA1 with core Digest::SHA module In Debian we use the core Digest::SHA module that was released with Perl 5.9.3.
Upstream keeps compatibility with Perl 5.8.1 so this patch is not forwarded.
Nick Morrott <> no 2019-12-26
03-remove-digest-sha1-from-makefile.patch Replace occurrences of Digest::SHA1 in Makefile.PL and metafiles. In Debian we use the core Digest::SHA module that was released with Perl 5.9.3.
Upstream keeps compatibility with Perl 5.8.1 so this patch is not forwarded.
Nick Morrott <> no 2019-12-26

All known versions for source package 'libmodule-compile-perl'
