Debian Patches

Status for libpodofo/0.9.8+dfsg-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Fix-declaration-of-operator-for-PoDoFo-PdfString.patch Fix declaration of operator<< for PoDoFo::PdfString

Since PdfString is in the PoDoFo namespace, the operator<< for it must
be in the same namespace as well, otherwise it is not found. In
particular, operator<<(std::ostream&) is needed by cppunit as a way to
get the string representation of an arbitrary type, when using
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL() on instances of it.

This used to work with GCC until 11 because of a buggy behaviour.
GCC 12 fixed it [1], causing this test to fail to build with it.

Pino Toscano <> yes debian vendor, 2022-08-14

All known versions for source package 'libpodofo'
