Debian Patches

Status for libslf4j2-java/2.0.16-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
disable-Slf4jVersionTest.patch Disables Slf4jVersionTest which fails for an unknown reason. The test checks the Implementation-Version field of the manifest set by
maven-bundle-plugin. The test fails as if the field was missing (the value
returned is null), but inspecting slf4j-api.jar shows that the field is
there with the expected value. Updating maven-bundle-plugin may fix the issue.
Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
disable-MultithreadedInitializationTest.patch disable MultithreadedInitializationTest Markus Koschany <> not-needed 2016-08-26

All known versions for source package 'libslf4j2-java'
