Debian Patches

Status for libssw/1.1-15

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
build_all_libs.patch build all libraries This patch makes sure that also static libraries are built, and that
the correct SONAMEs etc. are used for the shared ones.
Not upstreamed as upstream intends their C source to be inlined with the
code using the functions.
Sascha Steinbiss <> no
hardening.patch add hardening Sascha Steinbiss <> no
rename_tool.patch build command line aligner This patch ensures that 'ssw_test' is called 'ssw-align' in Debian
and also links against libssw.
Sascha Steinbiss <> no
simde.patch use the simde header library for greater compatibility Michael R. Crusoe <> yes
malloc Provide declarations for malloc & free Michael R. Crusoe <> no

All known versions for source package 'libssw'
