Debian Patches

Status for libvideo-info-perl/0.993-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
mpeg-redefines.patch This patch gets rid of warnings due to redefinition of 'minutes' and 'MMSS',
which are defined by Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::MethodMaker. It looks
like the preferred thing to do would be using the definition from the file
itself, rather than the autogenerated one.
mpeg-autovivify.patch Some strings are tested to see if they are the empty string - ie, $str eq ''
without first checking that they are even defined. As a result, an undef
value will cause warnings due to autovivification of those variables.

This patch adds 'defined $str' && previous conditions, so that definedness
is checked first.
test-m2v.patch $file->comments returns undef rather than the empty string, so test for it
oqt-optional.patch This is a patch to make Video::OpenQuicktime optional, since it seems to be
a tricky library to package with potentially limited use to the community.
If there is a need for Quicktime support, then OpenQuicktime and
Video::OpenQuicktime will need to be packaged as well.
pod-errors.patch This patch fixes a few minor errors relating to POD. Mostly things like item lists which are not properly closed (over without
back, etc)
Jonathan Yu <> yes 2018-08-22
low4bytes.patch Nick Wellnhofer <> no debian
spelling-error.patch spelling error Xavier Guimard <> yes 2018-08-22

All known versions for source package 'libvideo-info-perl'
