Debian Patches

Status for linphone/5.3.105-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
desktop-file-keywords Add required Keywords entry to the linphone.desktop file no
ldap-hostname-override.patch Patch out reference to LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PEER_CN Unfortunately, linphone changed how it uses the libldap API in a way
that breaks the old ldap_int_hostname hack. Finding another
workaround proved impossible, so we can only patch out the reference
to the preprocessor macro and disable SAL usage with TLS in
linphone-desktop's UI.
Dennis Filder <> no 2022-12-17
fix-cmake-install-path.patch no
force-system-xsd.patch no
fix-pkgconfig.patch Based on OpenSUSE patch no
define-project-version.patch no
to_upstream/restore-termios.patch Restore termios via atexit() and reraise caught signals Closing e.g. the webcam window prevents the normal readline exit
routines from running which borks the terminal.
Also reraise caught signals which results in the proper exit status.
Running with LINPHONEC_NO_TERMIOS_RESTORE=y shows the old behaviour.
Dennis Filder <> invalid 2022-10-07
fix-nowebcam-image-path.patch no
to_upstream/fix-python3-removals.patch Fix constructs removed in Python 3.11 The deprecated 'U' flag was removed in 3.11. Upstream fixed this in
5.2.x, but didn't add the newline named parameter for some reason.
Dennis Filder <> no 2023-07-08
disable_appimage_download.patch Disable behind-the-scenes AppImage download The error message is unfortunately only printed to the log, not stderr. Dennis Filder <> not-needed debian 2023-03-02
fix_linphonec_manpage.patch Document peculiarities in linphonec better Dennis Filder <> not-needed debian 2023-03-02
fix_metadoc_py_indeterminism.patch Try to fix reproducibility issue through directory tree canonicalization On linphone has had reproducibility issues on
32-bit platforms since forever. The issue lies most probably with
tools/ and is difficult to track down since you need two
different 32-bit systems for it to show. Our first stab at it is
trying to canonicalize the directory Doxygen creates when producing
its XML output that ingests.
no 2023-09-03
cpp_wrapper_generator_sort_files.patch Sort list of files passed to Project.initFromFiles() Hopefully this will catch any sortation issues the canonicalization
with does not take care of.
Dennis Filder <> no 2023-09-03
relax_doxygen_warnings.patch no
ldap-drop-random-provider.patch no

All known versions for source package 'linphone'
