Debian Patches

Status for lomiri-system-settings/1.0.1-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001_bt-test-fix-with-modern-python-dbusmock.patch [PATCH] Fix BT plugin testIsPaired() since python-dbusmock 0.27.4
The D-Bus signature requires more items now, specifically the class of
the device being paired.

Fixes the following test failures:

QWARN : DeviceTest::testIsPaired() Failed to pair mock device: "Invalid arguments: More items found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments"

1664905888.012 GetAll /org/bluez/new0/dev_00_00_DE_AD_BE_EF org.bluez.Device1
FAIL! : DeviceTest::testIsPaired() Compared values are not the same
Actual (m_device->isPaired()): 0
Expected (true) : 1
Loc: [/builddir/lomiri-system-settings-2a907a59e31cce79cd114bc1640b6d38473bea7c/tests/plugins/bluetooth/tst_device.cpp(115)]

Jami Kettunen <> no 2022-10-05
0002_bt-test-fix-with-modern-python-dbusmock.patch [PATCH] Fix BT plugin testGet{IconName,Type}() since python-dbusmock 0.26

Missing device properties were added and can now easily be manipulated
by the tests themselves.

Fixes the following test failures:

FAIL! : DeviceTest::testGetIconName() Compared values are not the same
Actual (m_device->getIconName()) : "image://theme/"
Expected (QString("image://theme/phone-smartphone-symbolic")): "image://theme/phone-smartphone-symbolic"
Loc: [../tests/plugins/bluetooth/tst_device.cpp(105)]

FAIL! : DeviceTest::testGetType() Compared values are not the same
Loc: [../tests/plugins/bluetooth/tst_device.cpp(110)]

Jami Kettunen <> no 2022-10-21
1001_use-maliit-keyboard-for-language-plugin.patch Use maliit-keyboard instead of lomiri-keyboard. Mike Gabriel <> no
2001_disable-current-language-switching.patch Disable language switching during the running session.Abstract:
The commented out code section requires Ubuntu-specific patches in AccountsService.
Esp. the patch files: 0001-formats-locale-property.patch and
Mike Gabriel <> not-needed
2002_use-Noto-font-instead-of-Ubuntu-font.patch no

All known versions for source package 'lomiri-system-settings'
