Debian Patches

Status for lsh-utils/2.1-14

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
sftp-server-mansection.patch Invent manual section 8lsh for lsh's sftp-server (To avoid conflicts without having to rename the sftp-server binary.) Magnus Holmgren <> no
new-readline-completion-function-typedef.patch no
rl_completion-segfault.patch Avoid crashing when tab-completing an empty command line in lsftp The problem was that lsftp_s_skip returns NULL if nothing but
separator characters are found, and that case wasn't handled.
Magnus Holmgren no
bsd_connreset_test_fail.patch In testsuite/tcpconnect, treat ECONNRESET as a correct connection shutdown. Seems to be necessary on BSD kernels.

diff --git a/src/testsuite/tcpconnect.c b/src/testsuite/tcpconnect.c
index 73398ae..c7dfa02 100644
skip-argp.patch Make sure we don't touch the embedded argp copy when not needed To avoid inline functions causing build failures under C99 standards Magnus Holmgren <> invalid debian
nettle3.patch Support Nettle 3.x Magnus Holmgren <> invalid
nettle3.4.patch Adjust dummy.c to match type changes in nettle 3.4.
diff --git a/src/dummy.c b/src/dummy.c
index c33c8869..72fd5185 100644
Niels Mller <> no debian
missing_include.patch no
mit-kerberos.patch Modify lsh-krb-checkpw to work with MIT Kerberos instead of Heimdal. Building with the latest release of Heimdal (as of February 2016)
fails and their maintainers want to orphan it.
invalid upstream
dont_clear_umask.patch Don't clear umask. Niels Mller <> no debian upstream,
missing_extern.patch no

All known versions for source package 'lsh-utils'
