Debian Patches

Status for mate-settings-daemon/1.26.1-1.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1001_RDA-Don-t-apply-stored-monitor-configuration-if-sess.patch [PATCH] RDA: Don't apply stored monitor configuration if session is remote. Mike Gabriel <> no 2019-12-18
1002-debounce_multiple_rfkill_events.patch When pressing airplane mode hotkey on many HP laptops, the AT keyboard,HP Wireless device (HPQ6001) and Intel HID device (INT33D5) can all send
rfkill hotkey event.

Preferably we should just leave one device and unregister the others. In
practice this is hard to achieve, because the presence of a device
doesn't necessarily mean it can generate rfkill hotkey event, we can
only know what devices are capable to generate rfkill event when the
hotkey gets pressed.

So add a delay between each rfkill event to workaround the issue. This
is also how the other OS handles multiple rfkill events.

diff --git a/plugins/media-keys/msd-media-keys-manager.c b/plugins/media-keys/msd-media-keys-manager.c
index 4abb4af..facf2ac 100644
Martin Wimpress <> no

All known versions for source package 'mate-settings-daemon'
