Debian Patches

Status for matplotlib/3.8.3-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0008-Increase-test-tollerance.patch Increase test tollerance
Patch taken from Fedora packaging:
Sandro Tosi <> no 2017-01-18
0010-disable-intersphinx.patch disable intersphinx Sandro Tosi <> no 2018-01-17
0012-dont-generate-a-test-failure-if-images-are-not-close.patch dont generate a test failure if images are not close to baseline Sandro Tosi <> no 2018-05-17
0014-py3k-sphinx.patch no
0015-disable-sphinx--W.patch no
0016-numpy2-units-fail.patch diff --git a/galleries/examples/units/ b/galleries/examples/units/
index 492a1e97..fb32d27f 100644
manage_docs.patch =================================================================== no
20_matplotlibrc_path_search_fix.patch Fixes the path to search for matplotlibrc file Sandro Tosi <> not-needed 2015-10-08
70_bts720549_try_StayPuft_for_xkcd.patch Try to use also StayPuft (a free font) for xkcd Sandro Tosi <> not-needed upstream vendor 2013-10-06

All known versions for source package 'matplotlib'
