Debian Patches

Status for mozjs115/115.21.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix-soname.patch fix soname
Add soname switch to linker, regardless of Operating System
"Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS)" <> no debian 2014-05-02
hurd-support.patch Hurd support Pino Toscano <> no 2014-07-27
copy-headers.patch build: Copy headers on install instead of symlinking
Patch ported forward to mozjs52 by Philip Chimento
Rico Tzschichholz <> no 2017-07-05
tests-increase-timeout.patch Increase the test timeout for slower buildds Adrian Bunk <> no debian 2018-07-03
ia64-support.patch On ia64, retry failed mmap without address hint
[smcv: Move the #endif so we still return a defined value on non-ia64]
Jason Duerstock <> no debian 2018-04-29
Fix-math_private.h-for-i386-FTBFS.patch Fix math_private.h for i386 FTBFS Mike Hommey <> no firefox-esr packaging, commit: 2021-11-27
tests-Add-the-ability-to-skip-tests-according-to-dpkg-arc.patch tests: Add the ability to skip tests according to dpkg-architecture
This avoids needing to work out what the value of XPCOMABI will be
for a particular Debian architecture. It cannot be used in
upstreamable patches, though.
Simon McVittie <> not-needed 2018-09-11
tests-Expect-some-floating-point-tests-to-fail-on-i386.patch tests: Expect some floating-point tests to fail on i386
Upstream assumes everything uses SSE mathematics, but SSE isn't in
Debian's baseline for i386, so we are stuck with i387 and its weird
80-bit floating point registers. We can't even work around this with
-fexcess-precision=standard, because mozjs is C++.
Simon McVittie <> not-needed debian 2018-09-11
tests-Expect-some-tests-to-fail-on-armel.patch tests: Expect some tests to fail on armel
ARM softfloat has unusual behaviour in corner cases, like these tests.
Upstream only supports the equivalent of our armhf.
Simon McVittie <> not-needed debian 2018-09-11
tests-Use-DEB_HOST_ARCH_BITS-to-skip-some-tests-on-64-bit.patch tests: Use DEB_HOST_ARCH_BITS to skip some tests on 64-bit platforms
Ideally this would use some upstreamable mechanism instead of
modifying the test infrastructure to make dpkg-architecture variables
available, but I don't know the build/test infrastructure well enough
to implement that.
Simon McVittie <> no debian 2017-10-09
tests-Expect-a-test-to-fail-on-big-endian.patch tests: Expect a test to fail on big-endian Simon McVittie <> no 2018-09-28
jstests-skip-non262-Date-time-zones-imported.js.patch jstests: skip non262/Date/time-zones-imported.js
This seems to fail both using system and embedded ICU, further study
is needed.

Skipping it for now.
=?utf-8?b?Ik1hcmNvIFRyZXZpc2FuIChUcmV2acOxbyki?= <> no 2022-02-01
jstests-skip-fp-evaluation-order-test-in-some-archs.patch jstests: skip fp-evaluation-order test in some archs
This test is not working properly in some architectures due to
wrong ToNumber JS-to-C conversion for JS unsafe integers.
=?utf-8?b?Ik1hcmNvIFRyZXZpc2FuIChUcmV2acOxbyki?= <> not-needed 2022-02-15
tests-Accept-out-of-memory-as-close-enough-to-allocation-.patch tests: Accept "out of memory" as close enough to "allocation size overflow"

On weaker machines like Debian's mipsel porterbox eller, some of these
tests will run out of memory before the allocation size can overflow.
Simon McVittie <> no debian 2022-02-21
vendored-ICU/tests-Skip-comparison-of-tzdata-version-number.patch tests: Skip comparison of tzdata version number
The test expects the timezone database version number to be reported as
2021a3, but it's actually reported as 2021a.
Simon McVittie <> no 2022-03-21
Allow-to-build-with-cargo-in-Debian-unstable.patch Allow to build with cargo in Debian unstable Mike Hommey <> no 2022-06-10
Remove-workaround-for-old-libstdc-problem-which-now-cause.patch Remove workaround for old libstdc++ problem, which now causes problems with GCC 12 on arm Mike Hommey <> yes upstream 2022-08-15
Bug-1761665-Extend-x86-workaround-to-32-bit-ARM.patch Bug 1761665 - Extend x86 workaround to 32-bit ARM
If we don't do this, Spidermonkey (mozjs) on ARMv7 fails to compile in
some configurations.
Simon McVittie <> yes debian upstream 2022-08-23
js-Enable-JIT-by-default-on-ARMv7-or-up-but-not-ARMv6-or-.patch js: Enable JIT by default on ARMv7 or up, but not ARMv6 or older Simon McVittie <> yes debian upstream 2022-08-24
js-arm-i386-no-simd.patch Disable SIMD on 32-bit ARM and x86
SIMD (SSE/NEON) is not in the baseline of the i386/armel/armhf ports.
Adrian Bunk <> yes debian upstream 2022-09-19
arm-without-jit.patch Fix the non-JIT armel build Adrian Bunk <> no 2023-10-25
python3.12-bug1831512.patch Bug 1831512 [wpt PR 39861] - Remove use of deprecated imp module, a=testonly

Automatic update from web-platform-tests
Remove use of deprecated imp module

This was being used to load browser modules from a path specified in a
config file. That would presumably allow vendors to define an
out-of-tree browser module. But in practice vendors are defining the
browser modules in-tree (and it would be very difficult to define a
browser out of tree without suffering frequent breakage). So since imp
is deprecated just remove the entire feature.

diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/
python3.12-bug1860051.patch Bug 1860051 - Remove use of six in mainfestupdate, r=Sasha

Differential Revision:

diff --git a/testing/web-platform/ b/testing/web-platform/
python3.12-bug1874280.patch Bug 1874280 - use ConfigParser instead of SafeConfigParser for r=jgraham

Since our minimum supported Python version is 3.7, we can unconditionally
change to ConfigParser here.

Differential Revision:

diff --git a/testing/web-platform/ b/testing/web-platform/
python3.12-bug1866829.patch Bug 1866829 - Replace obsolete distutils reference by portable alternatives r=ahochheiden

distutils.dir_util.copy_tree -> shutil.copytree
distutils.spawn.find_executable -> shutil.which

Also fix a warning about escape sequence in the process.

Differential Revision:

diff --git a/testing/mozbase/mozdevice/mozdevice/ b/testing/mozbase/mozdevice/mozdevice/
Export-js-detail-CanonicalizedNaNBits-on-architectures-th.patch Export js::detail::CanonicalizedNaNBits on architectures that use it
Otherwise the inline function JS::CanonicalizeNaN(double), which is
called by gjs, cannot validly refer to it.
Simon McVittie <> no debian 2024-02-08
Bug-1926140-Replace-pipes-imports-r-jmaher.patch Bug 1926140 - Replace pipes imports r=jmaher
pipes does not exist in Python 3.11 any more

Differential Revision:
Rob Wu <> no debian upstream, commit: 2024-11-05
Bug-1925198-Move-telnetlib-import-to-BaseEmulator-r-jmahe.patch Bug 1925198 - Move telnetlib import to BaseEmulator r=jmaher currently has an unconditional telnetlib import, but the
file can also be imported when the functionality is not needed.

Because telnetlib was removed from Python 3.13, this unconditional
import breaks use cases that do not even care about telnet. As a stopgap
measure until a better fix is available, move the import to the function
that relies on telnet.

Differential Revision:
Rob Wu <> no debian upstream, commit: 2024-11-05

All known versions for source package 'mozjs115'
