Debian Patches

Status for mtx/1.3.12-14

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
008-fix-scsitape-usage-message Fix scsitape usage message
Add the "erase" operation to the usage message of scsitape. (Hint found at Rosa Linux)
Carsten Leonhardt <> no 2020-11-01
001-bug728142_many_slots.patch Add support for large autochangers For large autochangers, the buffer needed for the ReadElementStatus call can
be too large. This patch works around this by doing multiple smaller calls.
The maximum value of 10000 seems to be OK for this. Based on tests, the
maximum value seems to be between 24000 and 25000, but this might
depend on the autochanger.
This patch is based on the changes by Wayne Keseberg <>

Ivo De Decker <> no debian
002-fix-configure-for-autoreconf Fix for autoreconf autoreconf complains about AC_DEFINE with only one argument, fix those. Carsten Leonhardt <> no 2019-02-28
003-fix-spelling Fix spelling errors found by lintian Carsten Leonhardt <> no 2019-02-28
004-fix-destdir add support for DESTDIR This patch is taken from Fedora:
Dan Horák <> no 2009-01-24
005-remove-argc-output remove the weird debugging-like info The loaderinfo and tapeinfo utilities print a debugging-like
information about the number of arguments on command line when
started with wrong number of arguments.
This patch is taken from Fedora:
Dan Horák <> no 2009-11-19
006-fix-quotation-in-manpage Fix manpage quotation found by lintian
An apostrophe at the beginning of the line is a command for (g)roff,
so it must be either escaped or moved away from the beginning of the
line to have a real apostrophe. The sequence \' doesn't stand for an
apostrophe, however, but an acute accent. There are escaped sequences
for an apostrophe, but they don't seem to be portable. Therefore, the
easiest solution is to move the apostrophe away from the beginning of
the line.
Carsten Leonhardt <> no 2020-10-31
007-man-Document-mtx-eject-and-previous-operations [PATCH] man: Document mtx eject and previous operations David Sommerseth <> no 2016-05-06

All known versions for source package 'mtx'
