Debian Patches

Status for mupen64plus-core/2.6.0-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Use-font-from-fonts-dejavu-core.patch Use font from fonts-dejavu-core Sven Eckelmann <> not-needed 2022-11-15
Disable-the-disassembler-of-the-recompiled-code.patch Disable the disassembler of the recompiled code
The interface of and is not stable and therefore not
allowed to use in Debian. The libopcode.a and libbfd.a don't provide PIC
object files and therefore cannot be linked to the PIC shared object.

This part of the debugging interface can be disabled because their is no known
user interface that has support for it.
Sven Eckelmann <> not-needed 2012-05-28
Fix-spelling-errors.patch Fix spelling errors Sven Eckelmann <> no 2015-12-30
Build-against-libopencv4.patch Build against libopencv4 Sven Eckelmann <> no debian 2019-11-14
Don-t-print-recomp-interpreter-debug-info-when-debugger-i.patch Don't print recomp/interpreter debug info when debugger is enabled Sven Eckelmann <> no 2022-12-31

All known versions for source package 'mupen64plus-core'
