Debian Patches

Status for mypaint/2.0.1-12

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
python3.11.patch [PATCH] python: fix for Python 3.11
- python 3 always open in universal mode, U is default mode in 3.0,
and removed in 3.11
- mypaint doesn't use ld?n?gettext, so bind_textdomain_codeset isn't
needed, that function is deprecated in 3.8 and is no-ops in 3.10 and
removed in 3.11
=?utf-8?b?xJBvw6BuIFRy4bqnbiBDw7RuZyBEYW5o?= <> yes 2022-11-09
0002-Handle-python3-distutils-removal.patch Handle python3-distutils removal Boyuan Yang <> yes upstream 2024-01-30
fix_openmp_segfault.patch [PATCH] Acquire/release the GIL while processing tile requests
Fixes crashes on some Linux distros, potentially improves performance.

When handling tile requests we currently use an openmp critical block in a
callback registered with libmypaint. The callback calls into Python code
without locking the GIL. This sometimes crashes mypaint in numpy's memory
cache allocator on some Linux distros that compile numpy with run-time
asserts (without `-DNDEBUG`), like Gentoo, as numpy uses Python's GIL
internally as a locking mechanism for its non-thread-safe global cache

Acquiring the GIL in the C callback, before calling into Python, ensures
that the GIL is still locked by the current thread when it reaches numpy's
code, and thus prevents the crashes. We yield the GIL whenever Python code
calls again into libmypaint, This allows other threads to acquire it, and
concurrent callbacks to run, which prevents deadlocks that would otherwise
happen while waiting for all the callbacks to finish on Python's side. When
libmypaint is done we re-acquire the GIL, and return up to the callback
where the GIL is released again after some Python reference count

The OpenMP critical block is no longer necessary after introducing the GIL
locking mechanism. This would potentially improve performance as the C code
in libmypaint can process multiple callbacks at the same time during the
`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS' period that yields the GIL.
Red Rozenglass <> not-needed debian upstream, 2020-09-11

All known versions for source package 'mypaint'
