Debian Patches

Status for mysql-8.0/8.0.41-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix_hurd_kfreebsd.patch Build and test fixes for GNU/Hurd and kFreeBSD Merged patches for hurd and kfreebsd and updated for 5.7
Thanks to:
Pino Toscano <>
Nicholas Bamber <>
for original patches.
See hurd.patch and kfreebsd_tests.patch for more information
Lars Tangvald <> no
mysql-test-run-paths update paths for lz4_decompress and zlib_decompress Since these binaries are moved to /usr/lib/mysql/ by packaging, we also
need to ensure that the tests can find them.
Robie Basak <> not-needed 2018-11-02
fix_grant_user_lock_as_root.patch Fixes test failing when run as root Certain tests will fail when run as root. This patch fixes one,
main.grant_user_lock, which tries to test an anonymous user in
a way that fails when running as root. The patch fixes only
this test because there have been issues in Debian with only
this test failing in this way.
Lars Tangvald <> yes debian upstream 2016-11-09
atomic-test-words.patch no
use-largest-lock-free-type-selector-on-riscv.patch Use Largest_lock_free_type_selector on RISC-V
This patch is necessary because RISC-V doesn't guarantee the
always-lock-free property on certain types (like boolean), which
causes a static_assert to trigger when compiling MySQL on the
Sergio Durigan Junior <> no 2020-07-27
revert_faster_tls_model.patch revert commit 735bd2a53834266c7256830c8d34672ea55fe17b Marc Deslauriers <> invalid 2024-05-07
disable_root_files.patch disable files that require root privileges during tests Marc Deslauriers <> no
boost-1.76.0-fix_multiprecision_issue_419-ppc64le.patch Fix ppc64el FTBFS due to boost issue Update intrinsic usage config for Intel gcc to fix ppc64el builds with boost. John Maddock <> yes upstream upstream, 2022-08-09
disable_timestamping_test.patch disable test that fails to build on certain archs because of the presence of sizeof in macros. Marc Deslauriers <> no
mysql_secure_installation-remove-root-pw-creation.patch Remove the creation of a root password in mysql_secure_installation Since Ubuntu and Debian use the auth_socket plugin for the root user by default,
and attempting to set a password for it through "SET_PASSWORD" causes an error,
do not create a root password in the mysql_secure_installation script if one
has not been set previously. If the user would like to instead use a password
they can run
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'password';
in the mysql client.
Lena Voytek <> no 2023-04-20
suppress_armhf_test_warning.patch Suppress warning about the CYCLE timer not being available on armhf Marc Deslauriers <> no 2024-01-19
64bit_time_everywhere.patch fix test for 64-bit time_t i386 is the only architecture where we don't have 64-bit time_t now.
Update the tests accordingly.

Steve Langasek <> not-needed 2024-03-08

All known versions for source package 'mysql-8.0'
