Debian Patches

Status for nagios4/4.4.6-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
50-log-file-location.patch Move log files to where Debian has them: /var/log. Russell Stuart <> no
55_strip_logarchivepath.patch stripping the log_archive_path value from cgi.cfg (#578232) Omni Flux <> no
60_debianise_plugins.patch Debianise the config Russell Stuart <> no
70_remove_check-host-alive.patch Remove check-host-alive as it conflicts with the command of the same name
from ping.cfg in monitoring-plugins-basic.
Russell Stuart <> no
80_no_phone_home.patch Remove stuff that pings Nagios or youtube. Russell Stuart <> no
90_turn-off-use-authentication.path Turn off nagios security This is done so a newbie can play with the default install.
As a compromise the shipped apache2.conf only allows private ip's access.
Russell Stuart <> no
9103-fix-unknown-rpm-arch.patch Skip the RPM_ARCH check when building for Debian. Fixes #902216

Russell Stuart <> no

All known versions for source package 'nagios4'
