Debian Patches

Status for nautilus-dropbox/2019.02.14-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
dropbox-update.patch Add a new "dropbox update" command This command forces a new download and installation of the dropbox binary

Raphaël Hertzog <> no vendor
add-http-proxy-option.patch Add command-line option to set the HTTP proxy This option will be used to properly fix Debian bug #651065.

Raphaël Hertzog <> no debian vendor
non-interactive-update.patch Ensure console variant of dropbox update is non-interactive This is because "dropbox update" is called from the postinst
of the package and we don't want any interactivity there.
This is a Debian specific patch and probably should not be forwarded.
Raphaël Hertzog <> not-needed vendor
use-dpkg-to-select-platform.patch Use dpkg to identify the architecture to use The upstream check is not reliable because if you run i386
with a 64 bit kernel, you download the wrong binaries.
This patch is Debian specific since it relies on dpkg and thus can't be

Raphaël Hertzog <> not-needed vendor

All known versions for source package 'nautilus-dropbox'
