Debian Patches

Status for net-acct/0.71-9.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0003-REMAP_MASQUERADE-stuff.patch [PATCH] REMAP_MASQUERADE stuff Bernd Eckenfels <> no 2008-06-15
0002-Minor-fixes.patch [PATCH] Minor fixes Bernd Eckenfels <> no 2008-06-15
0001-Change-perl-path-in-shebang.patch [PATCH] Change perl path in shebang Stephane Glondu <> no 2008-06-15
0004-Change-naccttab.sample.patch [PATCH] Change naccttab.sample Bernd Eckenfels <> no 2008-06-15
0005-Add-manpage.patch [PATCH] Add manpage
From Debian changelog, version 0.71-5: added manpage from Alex King
( THANKS! Closes: Bug#4309
Alex King <> no 2008-06-15
0006-Fix-insecure-temp-file.patch [PATCH] Fix insecure temp file
From Debian changelog, version 0.71-6: SECURITY: fixed insecure temp
file creation/deletion reported by Stefan Nordhausen. This is
net-acct-notempfiles.patch from Sep 2 2004 (Closes: Bug #270359)
(simply remove the code)
Bernd Eckenfels <> no 2008-06-15
0007-Fix-incomplete-sl2rbl-output.patch [PATCH] Fix incomplete sl2rbl output
See Debian bug #440335. The example script sl2rdbl seems to have a bug
which inhibits the display of any from or to ports in some cases if
the port is not "well known" in /etc/services. Patch from Rainer
Stephane Glondu <> no 2008-06-21

All known versions for source package 'net-acct'
