Debian Patches

Status for net-cpp/3.1.1+dfsg-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1007_wait-for-flask.patch Sleep 5 seconds instead of 1 second before running unit tests against the flask server, it needs some time to come up (esp. on slow hardware). Mike Gabriel <> yes
2001_no-tests-that-require-inet-access.patch Disable tests that require internet access. Mike Gabriel <> no
0001-Bump-std-version-to-14-needed-for-googletest-1.13.0.patch [PATCH] Bump std version to 14 (needed for googletest 1.13.0) Marius Gripsgard <> no 2023-07-26
1008_set-MAX-CONTENT-LENGTH-for-flask-server-to-let-it-accept-big-chunks-of-data.patch no

All known versions for source package 'net-cpp'
