Debian Patches

Status for nginx/1.22.1-9

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0003-define_gnu_source-on-other-glibc-based-platforms.patch Use _GNU_SOURCE on GNU/kFreeBSD
Define _GNU_SOURCE not only on GNU/Hurd, but also other glibc-based
platforms including GNU/kFreeBSD.

modified by
Steven Chamberlain <> yes 2016-07-16
nginx-fix-pidfile.patch Fix NGINX pidfile handling Tj <> no debian 2020-06-24
nginx-ssl_cert_cb_yield.patch # HG changeset patch
# User Yichun Zhang <>
# Date 1451762084 28800
# Sat Jan 02 11:14:44 2016 -0800
# Node ID 449f0461859c16e95bdb18e8be6b94401545d3dd
# Parent 78b4e10b4367b31367aad3c83c9c3acdd42397c4

OpenSSL 1.0.2+ introduces SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb() to allow custom
callbacks to serve the SSL certificiates and private keys dynamically
and lazily. The callbacks may yield for nonblocking I/O or sleeping.
Here we added support for such usage in NGINX 3rd-party modules
(like ngx_lua) in NGINX's event handlers for downstream SSL
bug-1024605.patch SSI: handling of subrequests from other modules User Ciel Zhao <> not-needed debian 2022-11-21
bug-973861.patch [PATCH] Lingering close for connections with pipelined requests.
This is expected to help with clients using pipelining with some constant
depth, such as apt[1][2].

When downloading many resources, apt uses pipelining with some constant
depth, a number of requests in flight. This essentially means that after
receiving a response it sends an additional request to the server, and
this can result in requests arriving to the server at any time. Further,
additional requests are sent one-by-one, and can be easily seen as such
(neither as pipelined, nor followed by pipelined requests).

The only safe approach to close such connections (for example, when
keepalive_requests is reached) is with lingering. To do so, now nginx
monitors if pipelining was used on the connection, and if it was, closes
the connection with lingering.

Maxim Dounin <> not-needed 2023-02-02

All known versions for source package 'nginx'
