Debian Patches

Status for nitime/0.9-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
deb_no_sources_for_docs prevent inclusion of _sources which obscures offline search Yaroslav Halchenko <> no
python3 Python3 fixes Michael R. Crusoe <> no debian 2019-12-15
sphinx_ignore_github.patch Ignore github extension since it is not compatible with Shinx 2.4 Andreas Tille <> no debian 2020-04-16
do-not-set-lowerbound-zero-in-iir.patch While doing iir filter, lower bound for ws can be set to 0 which scipy no longer seems to allow Hence set it to a very small non-zero val. Nilesh Patra <> no 2022-07-11
fix-psd-test.patch noverlap param in psd function should be an integer, cast it explicitly Also, look in axes_grid1 instead of axes_grid in mpl_toolkits Nilesh Patra <> no 2023-01-02
numpy_1.24.patch Adapt to numpy 1.24 Andreas Tille <> no debian 2023-01-20
numpydoc_1.24.patch Fix python3.11 related errors in doc spec Nilesh Patra <> no debian 2023-01-21

All known versions for source package 'nitime'
