Debian Patches

Status for normalize-audio/0.7.7-19

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
compressed-wav-files.patch afGetVirtualFrameSize() needs to be used instead of afGetFrameSize(),otherwise the allocated buffer size is too small for compressed
WAV files (see #558399).
Stefan Fritsch <> no
rename-binary.patch replace all user-visible occurrences of "normalize" by "normalize-audio" Joachim Reichel <> no
fix-exdev-error.patch use move instead of rename to avoid EXDEV, see #336808 and #337396 Joachim Reichel <> no
fix-flac.patch fix typo w.r.t. flac support Joachim Reichel <> no
fix-manpage.patch Replace invalid groff input character by corresponding escape sequence.Use \- instead of - to represent minus signs. Joachim Reichel <> no
fix-encoder-decoder-detection.patch Detect encoder and decoder dynamically at runtime. This results inbetter defaults depending on the user's environment and avoids data loss if no
suitable encoder/decoder is found.
Joachim Reichel <> no
fix-configure-ac.patch - Add AM_PROG_CC_C_O required by newer automake versions.- Avoid autoconf errors related to AM_PATH_GLIB, AM_PATH_GTK, and AM_PATH_XMMS
by using pkg-config instead.
- audiofile >= 0.3.2-1 does no longer provide audiofile-config and the
AM_PATH_AUDIOFILE macro based on it. Use pkg-config instead (see #655181).
Ilya Barygin <> no
fix-zero-power-handling.patch Correctly skip multiple subsequent files with zero power (see #791890).
Matthias Heintze <> no
fix-doc-audio-file-types.patch Improve --help output and manpage to make clear that normalize-audio itself only deals with WAV and MP3 files (see: #734843).
Joachim Reichel <> no
fix-parallel-test-suite.patch Make test suite thread-safe. Use distinct filenames for temporary files.
Add dependency on test-tools.

Joachim Reichel <> no
improve-normalize-ogg-showstats-962236.patch Improve the statistics output of normalize-ogg (see: #962236).=================================================================== Francesco Poli <> no
fix-c23.patch =================================================================== no

All known versions for source package 'normalize-audio'
