Debian Patches

Status for nova/2:30.0.0-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Install-missed-files.patch Install missed files
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf3032d
Thomas Goirand <> not-needed 2021-09-28 Remove sphinxcontrib.rsvgconverter from doc
Thomas Goirand <> not-needed 2019-09-28
Add-a-healtcheck-url.patch [PATCH] Add a /healthcheck URL
This is useful for operators to configure HAProxy and
for monitoring.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2020-04-30
python-3.13-crypt.crypt-support-is-removed.patch Python 3.13: crypt.crypt support is dropped The module crypt is dropped from Python 3.13 and therefore, we
must replace this by something else.
Also, the old code from 2012 was still using MD5, which is
nowadays considered a security hole, because it is extremely
easy to brute-force. So this patch is switching to SHA-512,
dropping support for distros that don't support that (though
it would be not reasonable to use such a distro).

Thomas Goirand <> yes 2024-11-19
fix-fake_get_by_flavor_id.patch Fix fake_get_by_flavor_id Thomas Goirand <> no 2024-11-19
fix-exception.NovaException.patch Fix exception.NovaException Thomas Goirand <> no 2024-11-19
Add-context-switch-chance-to-other-thread-during-get_available_resources.patch Add context switch chance to other thread during get_available_resources The get_available_resources method checks host's resource usage by
connecting libvirt. The libvirt connection uses libvirt python bindings
and the connection handling is implemented in C lang. So the eventlet
greenthread can't notice the network connection and doesn't trigger
thread context switch while the nova-compute connects to the libvirt.
If one hypervisor has over 50 or more instances and libvirt is slow
any reason, the no context switch situation causes nova-compute's status
down and some other failure since other tasks have no chance to work.
This commit adds greenthread.sleep(0) in the middle of for-loop section
which is the long running no-context switch section. This sleep(0) gives
other tasks to work even though the resource check task takes long time.
The force context switch can prevent lack of any heartbeat operation.

Masahito Muroi <> yes upstream upstream, 2024-12-27

All known versions for source package 'nova'
