Patch | Description | Author | Forwarded | Bugs | Origin | Last update |
library-soversion.diff | no | |||||
imagemagick_policy.diff | Override overly strict ImageMagick security policy (#987504) This patch derives a more permissive ImageMagick security policy from the system default. . The rational is that we trust the content of the ns-3.37package, so we don't need the overly protective restrictions used in ImageMagick by default. |
Dennis Filder <> | no | debian | 2021-07-16 | |
0005-Ensure-that-the-version-cache-is-not-accidentally-ig.patch | Ensure that the version cache is not accidentally ignored Upstream attempts to build up version information using git. It seems that this information can take precedence over the manually filled cache, so don't do this. |
Gard Spreemann <> | no | 2022-08-02 |